Welcome to EI Mate, Emotional Intelligence based games and activities for children

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What is EI (Emotional Intelligence)?

Emotional Intelligence or EI indicates how well you can identify emotions of self and others as well as how good are your social skills. EI is also known as EQ (Emotional Quotient). Many studies suggest that children having high EI become more successful in future. In order to develop EI/EQ children must develop and work on these 5 elements of Emotional Intelligence according to famous American Psychologist Daniel Goleman. They are:

1. Self-Awareness: Understanding own emotions.

2. Self-Management: Being able to control and command own emotions.

3. Motivation: To keep motivating self to achieve higher aims.

4. Empathy: To be able to understand the emotions of others.

5. Social Skills: To be able to happily adjust oneself in a social setting.

All the 5 games/ Activities in EI Mate box are based on these 5 elements.

Few years ago a lot of importance was given to measure and improve IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of children but researchers in recent times have realised that for achieving success in future the role of EI (Emotional Intelligence) is much more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Many studies suggest that students who develop EI along with IQ have greater performance and success in school as well as future.

Watch the videos to know more about EI

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Benefits of EI Mate Box

Emotional Intelligence helps to improve

Social Skill



Problem Solving Skills

Interpersonal Relations

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